Yearly Archives: 2013

Twenty more to come

Given one last* chance from LEGO CEE Community Support, I have ordered another twenty more large ATLAS LEGO models to be shipped to nine different countries on four continents around the world. This will increase the reach to in total 15 countries on five continents.
See the stats page for some more details on the current situation.

In addition we have quite a few events planned for the end of this year and 2014.
Stay tuned for mote updates!

[Update 19 Nov 2013]
It looks like the order can go through with now 23 models on the list!

2013-11-14 09.37.18 am

* this might in fact be the last order we will be allowed to place within the current programme.

Higgs on Bricks

The ATLAS LEGO model has found the Higgs, or in fact recent Nobel Prize winner Peter Higgs has found the ATLAS LEGO model. As part of his visit to the University of Manchester, were he received an honorary doctorate degree yesterday evening, Peter Higgs signed the original ATLAS LEGO model, which was brought to Manchester and rebuild by local students the days before.

It is a great honour, certainly a long-lasting memory of this moment and a kind support for our outreach project.

Thank you Peter Higgs and congratulations for both the honorary doctorate degree and of course the Nobel Prize


All images © Craig Strong